Home > Policy Self Assessment

Policy Self Assessment

This short self-assessment tool can be used to help you understand any key gaps in your organisation’s child safeguarding policy.

Please remember that your policy should be reviewed at least every three years to ensure it is fit for purpose and addresses any new or emerging child safeguarding risks.

Your results are confidential (we don’t collect your data for any marketing or communication purposes), but if you would like to discuss any issues raised by the assessment, please get in touch with our team.

Click on the first question to get started.

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About your child safeguarding policy

Does your organisation have a written child safeguarding policy setting out its commitment to preventing child abuse?*
Does your policy make it clear that safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility?*
Does the policy have clear definitions of all of the following?*
a) Child safeguarding, b) Harm, c) Physical or sexual abuse, d) Exploitation, e) Neglect, f) Emotional abuse
Does the policy state that a child is any person under the age of 18 regardless of the age of consent or majority in a particular country?*
Does the policy include requirements for child safeguarding risk assessments?*
Does the policy cover safe recruitment procedures?*
Does the policy include training for all on child safeguarding?*
Does the policy set out a child safeguarding reporting and responding process?*
Does the policy cover safeguarding in communications activities?*
Does the policy include a child safeguarding code of conduct for all personnel and associates?*
Does the policy include a requirement for your organisation to have a designated child safeguarding Focal Points?*
Does the policy include a requirement for your partners to have child safeguarding measures in place?*
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