Home > Legal Literacy Nepal joins the KCS Network: Raising Legal Awareness On Child Rights 
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Legal Literacy Nepal joins the KCS Network: Raising Legal Awareness On Child Rights 

We are delighted to introduce Legal Literacy Nepal as the newest member of the Keeping Children Safe (KCS) network. Legal Literacy Nepal is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation founded in 2023 by a group of passionate individuals driven by a sense of social responsibility. 

The heart of Legal Literacy Nepal’s mission is the protection and promotion of the rights of children, women and marginalised communities. Their approach involves empowering these groups through legal awareness initiatives, providing free legal counselling and representing them in court when necessary. 

The organisation’s journey is led by Om Prakash Sen Thakuri, the Founder and Executive Director of Legal Literacy Nepal. His dedication to the cause of child rights and justice is the driving force behind the organisation’s impactful work. 

Joining the KCS Network 

Legal Literacy Nepal highlights the importance of national and international connections in today’s digital world. They believe that sharing local issues and solutions on a global stage is crucial to addressing challenges effectively. By becoming a part of the KCS Network, they aim to exchange experiences, learn from fellow members and amplify their impact. 

Legal Literacy Nepal is particularly excited about tapping into KCS’s wealth of experience and expertise in formulating child safeguarding policies that meet international standards. They look forward to participating in KCS seminars and training sessions, which will further enhance their understanding of child safeguarding policies and practices. 

A Commitment to Child Safeguarding 

Legal Literacy Nepal’s key driver in implementing child safeguarding is to raise legal awareness about child rights and juvenile justice while ensuring that children’s rights are protected within the organisation and in all their activities. They recognise the importance of creating a safe learning environment where children can thrive to their full potential. 

In the next year, Legal Literacy Nepal plans to orient its staff and recruits about its Child Safeguarding Policy, making it a fundamental part of its organisational culture. They aim to actively implement this policy during events, meetings, workshops, and training sessions on child rights and juvenile justice, and their objective is to develop checklists to monitor policy implementation across all their activities. 

A Call to Action 

Legal Literacy Nepal’s message to its staff, donors, and the wider world is a powerful call to action. Children are the future and investing in them is an investment in a brighter world: every small act of support for a child is a contribution to humanity. As the saying goes, ‘Children are like clay; we need to mould them.’ Legal Literacy Nepal invites all of us to join hands and help children grow and learn in environments filled with positive energy and free from violence. 

Welcome, Legal Literacy Nepal, to the Keeping Children Safe network! Together, we will work to ensure children have the opportunities they deserve. 

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