Your self-assessment has now been submitted. Within a few minutes, you will be receiving an email listing your results. However, if you do not receive a results email, it may have ended up in your spam folder. Occasionally, over-sensitive spam blockers take a dislike to the automatically generated emails and decide to scoop them up. If you are still having problems, do get in touch with your team, who may be able to help.
What next?
By completing the Keeping Children Safe self-assessment, you have taken the first step towards discovering if your organisation is doing all it can to protect children from abuse. The results email will highlight the work your organisation still needs to do in order to help embed child safeguarding into every interaction it has with children.
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If you’re not already a KCS member, why not join our global community of child safeguarding practitioners working in almost every country in the world. To learn more about membership, please contact our team.
Learning with KCS
Whether you are an individual wishing to immerse yourself deeper into child safeguarding, or an organisation looking to support your team to develop better safeguarding measures, we offer online courses, free workshops and hold live online conferences, each suited to different kinds of learning and capacity needs.