Home > Safeguarding Children in Liberia and beyond: Welcome VEFIL to the KCS Network 
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Safeguarding Children in Liberia and beyond: Welcome VEFIL to the KCS Network 

We are delighted to announce the newest addition to the Keeping Children Safe global network: Vulnerable Empowerment Foundation International Liberia (VEFIL). Founded in 2019, VEFIL is a small Liberian NGO dedicated to providing aid and support to victims of conflict and disease in Liberia. 

At VEFIL, their mission is to strengthen the public healthcare system and ensure that every person, regardless of their ability to pay, has access to affordable and good quality care. This commitment extends to their work in child safeguarding, where they advocate for the safeguarding of vulnerable children in Liberia. 

For VEFIL, joining the Keeping Children Safe network is a strategic decision driven by their belief in the power of partnership. They understand that collaboration with like-minded individuals and organisations is essential for achieving their vision of a safer and more secure environment for children. By aligning with KCS, VEFIL aims to leverage the network’s resources, expertise and support to enhance their child safeguarding efforts and make a meaningful impact in Liberia and beyond. 

VEFIL invites the wider world to join hands in partnership to provide help to the many children in Liberia’s war-ravaged communities. Together, let us create a future where every child can thrive, free from harm and neglect. Welcome to the KCS network, Vulnerable Empowerment Foundation International Liberia (VEFIL)! 

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